Beltane Ritual Bath

Beltane Ritual Bath

Beltane represents the midpoint between spring and summer. The spring season is at its peak energy. The flowers are blooming, the days are getting warmer and for many, gardening is in full swing. If you have been following our insta stories you will know what I mean. Is anyone tired of seeing plant posts everyday?
This has to be one of my favorite times of year. Even though I am partial to the winter months, spring is always the season where I spend most of my time outdoors. The summer heat has not yet begun to scorch the earth and I can tend to my plants daily. I have sewed my seeds and can watch the little seedlings grow taller each day. This year I planted an entire bed dedicated to edible flowers, which I will definitely be sharing once they begin to bloom! So naturally, with beltane, there are tons of flowers blooming, which makes this the perfect time to use the blooms for a ritual bath. 

The Ingredients

Handful of Epsom Salt

Quartz Crystals (pink, yellow or purple stones also will work)

Tons of flowers (roses, daisies, jasmine, whatever flower uplifts you)

Optional: essential oils of orange, lavender, ylang ylang, jasmine (add in 2-3 drops of any sensual essential oil or e.o blend) 


The Ritual

Firstly, set the mood for your ritual. Make sure your area is clean. Tidy up, sweep the floor, clean your tub etc. Light candles, incense, put on soft music, whatever puts you in a relaxed state of mind. 

Fill your tub, add in a generous handful of epsom salt (sea salt also works well), and place your crystals in the tub or on the edge. You can also set the stones in a jar of water overnight to infuse them and pour that water directly into your tub. Or hey do all three! 
Place your flowers around your tub, and float some in the water. Whatever you find pleasing. You are bringing in the energy of spring, and feminine energy. Beltane is also a time that represents sensuality, love, fertility and birth. This is why we associate this time with baby animals being born. This is a time to celebrate yourself. Spend this day with your partner, close friends, or simply treat yourself to this ritual bath. 
Allow yourself 20-40 minutes to soak, unwind and relax in your bath. Let all your thoughts float away as you sink into a meditative state. Be grateful. Be gentle on yourself and take this time to devote to just you. 
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