Orange Selenite Orbs
Orange Selenite Orbs
Orange Selenite Orbs

Orange Selenite Orbs

Regular price $15.00

Each piece is 3 inches in diameter. It is shaped like a UFO /orb. Can be used as a palm stone, or simply to adorn your altar or home.

Orange Selenite

Has the same basic properties of selenite. The added orange energy of this stone is good for creativity, boosting self-esteem and an overall sense of happiness and well being. This stone carries a very high and finely tuned energy. It brings clarity and insight to a situation. It gives off an energy that brings peace and serenity. Selenite keeps you feeling protected from negative energy, and helps you feel serene throughout the day. It connects us to angelic beings and the spiritual realm. Know that you are being protected and kept safe when you are near a piece of selenite.

(DO NOT place in or near water as selenite will dissolve in presence of water)