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Happy Imbolc!

Imbolc is halfway between the winter solstice and the spring equinox. It symbolizes the coming of spring. The snow has not yet thawed but we can see signs of the forthcoming spring. This is a time of growth and renewal. The dark period is not yet over but we are preparing for the suns rebirth. Lighting candles and fires welcome in the new energy and with a broom we sweep out the old. Whether or not you celebrate these ancient traditions, now is the time to shed your old skin, let go of what is no longer serving you and usher in the amazing new things waiting for you just around the corner. Tomorrow is the new moon which is a fantastic...

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Ethical Sourcing of Crystals

        In light of everything going on in the herbal community and our collective awakening to unethical practices in general I wanted to touch on the ethical sourcing of crystals. I have been working with crystals for nearly 15 years as well as being an avid rockhound.  For many years when I first started selling, I would sell some of our local San Diego rainbow quartz! I loved going out to the desert to dig up my own stones- but as we grew it was no longer an option to make the drive and do this for anything more than just a hobby. We also were making formulas with much more than just quartz. We had to...

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Complete White Sage Growing Guide

Many of you who follow me on Instagram, have probably heard me talk about white sage. In the midst of this whirlwind of information, I wanted to be able to provide you guys with something tangible to reference. There is a lot of news being thrown at you about not wildcrafting sage, not using it at all, and among all the chaos I wanted to provide you with a guide you can use for growing your own sage. Growing your own herbs is one of the most rewarding things you can experience. Not only is the quality better than buying from a big corporate herb supplier, but you get to see the plant grow. Whether you start with a seed...

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Venus Retrograde Healing Ritual Bath

Venus Retrograde (Oct 5th - Nov 16th) Much like mercury retrograde, this planet's retrograde brings up a lot of past memories and issues to the surface. Venus is the planet that rules love, sex, beauty and feminine energy. When venus goes retrograde, a lot of past relationship patterns and traumas are stirred up. We might experience trouble in a current relationship, break up with someone or on a less dramatic scale, begin to really work on healing our traumas with or without a partner. If you have found yourself entering into the same kinds of relationships over and over again or experiencing problems in your current relationship because of abandonment issues, past sexual or emotional traumas, now is the time to really delve...

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